Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ABQ Aquarium

Some ladies are planning to go to the ABQ Aquarium tomorrow, April 28th. We are meeting there at 10 am. Anyone interested please join us. I think we are going to plan on taking the train ride as well as visit all of the fishy friends!
post a comment if you need directions...
have questions...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ideas Please!?!

I need some help with Girls Camp Craft ideas. I need 4 activites that don't cost a whole lot. It would be for around 100 girls. I haven't got my budget yet but if you have any great ideas, please let me know. Or if you have any websites that have ideas on them I would appreciate that. Also, I am starting to think about our Craft Saturday, I know it is a while away but I would like to start getting some ideas. I know Sara and I would really appreciate it.