Monday, November 22, 2010


Just wondering if you guys are going to be attending the Cookie Exchange or going to the temple? I am trying to decide what I am going to do. It is the ward temple night also. I really wanted to go to the temple but I would like to go with a group of us and then eat afterwards. What do you guys think?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween candy

Ladies, if you have any Halloween candy your kids won't eat or you don't want them to eat I am donating mine to Caleb's gymnastics. We have a girls meet that we put goody bags together and we put candy in the bags. Please let me know if you have any, instead of throwing it away.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Girls night out

Saturday September 4th we are meeting at the library at 4:15. We will be getting pedicures, then we are heading to Sweet Tomatoes. To end the night we are going to the $1.00 movie Knight and Day at 7:30. You can come for it all or just some of it. If you want to get a pedicure, Laurel needs to know ASAP. She will be scheduling an appointment. Hope to see you all there. Please invite all your friends. Also if you know someone that wants to be on the email, send me their email address to Happy September!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting rid of stuff

Hey ladies, I have 2 front facing carseats and 2 infant carrier carseats. I also have 4 boxes of baby boy clothes (newborn to 18 month) and a couple bags of girls clothes (12m-2T). If you are interested please call me, or if you know someone who could use them. I am going to donate them on Saturday. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hi all. Just wanted to let any of you who might be interested know that we are planning a swim day tomorrow afternoon (Thursday, July 15). We will be meeting at 12:00 at the park off of Lomas between Tramway and Juan Tabo for lunch. Then we will head on up to Eisenhower Pool afterward for swimming. If you have questions or need directions to the park or pool, please call Tiffany 286-7984 (home) or 801-644-6312 (cell).

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer fun

Hope you all are having a great summer! It has been fun hanging out at the different activities we are doing. If there is an activity you think would be good to host next month for enrichment please let me know. We haven't planned anything yet. I thought we could just have a park day for those that need an excuse to get out. Let me know what you think. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Get it to my email?

Hey I have been trying to figure out how to enable new posts to the blog to be emailed to my email account. I almost missed going to the aquarium because the new post didnt get emailed to me (thanks, Amber, for calling me!) Anyone know how to change this? I've practically tried every option! -- Ash

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ABQ Aquarium

Some ladies are planning to go to the ABQ Aquarium tomorrow, April 28th. We are meeting there at 10 am. Anyone interested please join us. I think we are going to plan on taking the train ride as well as visit all of the fishy friends!
post a comment if you need directions...
have questions...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ideas Please!?!

I need some help with Girls Camp Craft ideas. I need 4 activites that don't cost a whole lot. It would be for around 100 girls. I haven't got my budget yet but if you have any great ideas, please let me know. Or if you have any websites that have ideas on them I would appreciate that. Also, I am starting to think about our Craft Saturday, I know it is a while away but I would like to start getting some ideas. I know Sara and I would really appreciate it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Enrichment tonight

Just a reminder that Enrichment is tonight and Amber has some of the Young Women coming to babysit. Hope to see you all there at 6pm! Also I need some ideas for things you guys would want to have as activities.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Girls Night Out

This Friday, March 5th at 6:00pm at Lindsay's House. We are doing fondue so if you haven't heard from Laurel, get a hold of her so you can bring something. We are having cheese and chocolate. YUMMY! I am so excited! I was really bummmed we weren't going to The Melting Pot, but this will be just as great!

Our blog

Ok ladies, I started this so that we can post anything that we want. I think this will help a lot with Girls Night Out. It seems like we are getting bigger, which is great, but it takes a lot of time to call everyone. Especially when the plans change. All of you are authors to post. You can put whatever you want on here for the other ladies to read. I still need Jessica's email address so if any of you have it please let me know. Also, if there is anyone that I forgot to put as an author please let me know. I will try and update the fun backgrounds monthly, as my access to the internet is limited. I hope we can use this and make it easier than calling everyone.